Convergent Telecom is a telecommunications service provider that specializes in the deployment of Enterprise Hosted Voice over IP telephone systems for Colleges, Universities and Federal Government agencies. We provide the services needed throughout your entire project to ensure a successful installation. Starting with your dedicated project manager, our experienced team will exceed your expectations and provide your organization with a superior telecommunications solution. Please contact us today for more information.
Convergent’s team is skilled in both large and small deployments. Whether you have thousands of users or fewer than 10, we can support your team. Our Self Installation Teams will provide remote support to your site representative that includes the edge device installation, phone activation, remote user training, post cutover support, and more. Self-Installation is ideal for an office with under 10 users, and you will benefit from the savings. Our Full Installation Team will be onsite for installation, training, and support. For our government customers, all of our team members have held prior security clearances.


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