In-Telecom is a Louisiana based company that was founded as a consulting and business telephone system solution provider. Today we have evolved into a full service Communications Company providing a wide range of voice, data, and video conferencing services. We offer cable installation, CCTV, video conferencing, VoIP, SIP, Digital, local dial tone, long distance, Internet services. In-Telecom has become a full service communications company with our focus on customer service, and we are ONE Solution for our customers.
The cable infrastructure in your office or building is a critical component of your entire network. Proper planning, design, installation, and maintenance of this infrastructure can have a positive impact on your company’s day-to-day operations and can contribute to its success. Whether you’re building a new location or want to upgrade your existing infrastructure, In-Telecom is the only provider you need for your cabling projects.
In-Telecom can help your organization do just that by providing you with greater control of your fixed and mobile communications. On average, In-Telecom clients see reductions of 30-50% on their communications costs within the first 12 months of engaging with In-Telecom.


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