We provide professional telephone systems, voice and network wiring projects, and high quality business telephone equipment to a variety of commercial, industrial and government customers. This includes new construction, remodels, retrofits and more. We know the ins and outs of the telecom industry, and our knowledge can make the difference between a successful project and a costly one.
We listen to your needs and design a telecommunications and networking plan to fit your unique needs. We go a step beyond to ensure everything works to your satisfaction, and that you fully understand how to use the equipment. Our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau speaks for itself. We guarantee your satisfaction. From designing a telephone system and networking solutions that works for your business to training your staff and maintain the system, we are here for you from start to finish.
Not only does Phone Master work with the best telecom systems, we have the detailed know-how for every feature. Our telecommunications technicians and specialists will get your business running efficiently and flawlessly. We stay on to train you and your staff and are here for ongoing support and maintenance.
As licensed telecommunication electrical contractors since 2000 we have earned our reputation for stellar business telephone systems installation, maintenance, and support in Olympia and the South Sound area.


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