Optical fiber and copper cabling systems are the critical network highways that enable communities, governments, and enterprises to deliver their vehicles (voice, data and video traffic). Structured CablingThese systems require converged applications to integrate and deliver voice, data and video and supporting these applications begin with Structured Cabling infrastructure. At Teknon, we understand both networks and the applications that run on Structured Cabling.
For 28 years Teknon, has provided structured cabling solutions from data centers, to large Fortune 100 companies, to medical campus’, to national rollouts.
Teknon uses 3rd generation PACS to not only control access for organizations but also to comply with federal mandates such as HSPD-12 (link is external) (Homeland Security Presidential Directive 2012). This in particular addresses information sharing between government agencies to ensure the safety and compliance of its employees and contractors through identification validation standards.
Leading wireless system integration, Teknon focuses on planning, designing, installing, and managing complex in-building coverage solutions for customers in healthcare, hospitality, government, public safety, enterprise, and public venue sectors.