TierOne Telecommunications provides complete telephone and data network cabling services to all of Illinois and Chicago area businesses. Whether you need changes to your existing network or a completely new system, TierOne can provide the expertise and experience to provide you with a lightning fast computer data network and a problem-free phone system. And our expertise doesn’t stop with just cabling and wiring. TierOne also provides complete network planning, troubleshooting and management. We can fix problems, reconfigure and reprogram phone systems and provide complete network security consulting services.
TierOne provides technical support and service for leading phone system manufacturers such as Norstar, Comdial, Panasonic, Vodavi, NEC, Avaya, AT&T and many others. Our sales and service efforts for phone systems and wiring are concentrated throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and the Chicago area. To view service areas choose Phone System Installations Illinois or Phone System Installations Wisconsin Are you looking to upgrade your phone system for your business? Do you want to move your existing phone system or make changes to your telephone phone system? Do you need additional training on how to use your phone system? Do you have inside wiring needs for telephone (CAT 3) or data communications (CAT 5) wiring and need a reliable and experienced company to do the work? TierOne can help you with all of these needs!