We supply high quality fiber optic jumpers, CATV serve cable assemblies, and CAT3 and CAT5 patch cords, as well as enhanced CAT6 patch cables. We only use top quality products from the leading names in the telecommunications industry. We also terminate, test and certify fiber optic cable.
Fiber Optic Cabling provides the largest possible bandwiths of any cabling offered today and at the greatest possible speeds. Fiber Optic cable are typically more costly than the other cabling options but it provides higher security with immunity from electromagnetic interference (EMI). Fiber Optic Cables is also the solution when your Data Cable lengths are going to exceed 90m.
Fiber Optic Technicians are trained quite differently than the technicians that install other types of cabling. Fiber requires a completely different form of cable termination and testing. This type of cable is very fragile once exposed, after all it is made from fiber which is a glass like substance. All termination, testing and maintenance of fiber optic cabling is carried out by Main Street Connections is done so by Fiber Optic Certified Technicians.
The Server Room is an area in your business that houses your server and patch panels. This is the brains behind your network. In this room there can be several hundred different cables coming into this central location. Or if your server is stored separate from your patch panels tie cables or patch cords will be run from one location to the other. In both locations the structure or the wiring and the appearance of the cabling should be clean. A hallmark of Main Street Connections is that if your company has 10 cables or 2000 cables, all will be structured in a clean and neat appearance. All will be labeled in accordance of the destination of each cable.